The Rock and Fracer on GI JOE Sequel

One ingredient of a good movie is to have a good artist who can portray there character well. Mostly it is the directors prospective to chose, for they are the one who works with them. As to be expected there will be new characters to be included in the GI JOE Sequel. We have seen Brendan Fraser had a cameo appearance on GI JOE: Rise of Cobra as a training instructor on the Pit. It is possible that he will be back at the sequel of the movie as a cameo or as part of the new characters of the film. There were also rumors about Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson being on the first GI Joe, but the rock fan were just frustrated because he is not in the film. It is Probable that he may be in the sequel of the next GI Joe. He maybe a good character as Heavy Duty's Cousine or he may be part of the villain. We all know that both actors have work before with director Stephen Sommers.



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